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Worlds Greatest Auto Show - Celebrating a Century in Chicago - by James M Flammang and Michael J Franklin (50_WorldsGreate)
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How to Customize Your Car in a Weekend, Carl Caiati, 127 pg, covers painting, wheels, tires and more (62_879383593)
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Ed Big Daddy Roth; His life and times, cars and art: 192 pages in large 10"x10" hardcover by P. Ganahl (65_CT968)
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Race Car Fabrication and Preparation by Steve Smith (50_RaceFabricat)
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Shifting Gears, Changing Labor Relations in US Auto Industry, by Harry Katz - 230 pg, hb (55_262110989)
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Automobile Industry & Its Workers, between Fordism & Flexibility, 336 pg. analysis of auto labor by Steve Tolliday & J. Zeitlin (55_312005539)
$5.95 |
Haynes: The First 40 years: a history of the auto repair manual company with its ups and downs along the way. 192 hardbound pgs by J. Clew (75_H418)
$39.95 |
Last Chance Garage, Brad Sears. Illustrated guide to understanding your car. Companion to PBS television series. (75_LCG_BSears)
$17.95 |
Rude Awakening: The Rise, Fall, & Struggle for Recovery of G.M. Maryann Keller (75_RudeAwakenin)
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Route 66 - The Mother Road by D Knudson a Shire Publication - The history of this iconic road that was the countrys first major east-west thoroughfare (50_SL675)
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All About Your Car A Practical Manual for Auto Owners by Popular Science 1952 253 pgs (52_AllAboutCar)
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Popular Mechanics Photo Album, Motor Cars in Pictures & Story from 1769 to 1952, 160 pg (25_PopMecHistor)
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Sports Cars of the World by Ralph Stein - 174 pages (52_SportCarsOTW)
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Handy Guide for Car Owners - by Frank Mitchell - How to Save Money on Gasoline oil tires repairs servicing insurance trade in etc (50_HandyGuideCa)
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Best Loved Cars of the World, John Plummer, large format color illustrated, covers many famous marques and models (25_0890092877)
$14.95 |
Cars of the Soviet Union - The Definitive History by Andy Thompson (50_146625)
$164.95 |
Classic British Cars, The history of ten legendary car companies, Large Oversized Hardbound Color book compiled & editied by Jonathan Wood with foreword by Stirling Moss (57_ClassBritCar)
$59.95 |
Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Classic Cars: The Worlds Most Famous and Fabulous Cars from 1945 to 2000 Shown in 1500 Photographs by Martin Buckley (65_TempChasSvc)
$49.95 |
The American Automobile by Tony Beadle with Ian Penberthy 1996 194 pages history from 1919-1974 Salamander Books (96_AmerAuto)
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The Great Cars by Ralph Stein large format illustrated history of great cars and marques from Rolls Royce to Aston Martin (37_Classic)
$14.95 |
A History of the World's High Performance Cars, 1910 - 1967 Hough and Frostick (38_629_109)
$14.95 |
The Wild Roads, The Story of Transcontinental Motoring, by T.R. Nicholson (38_TheWildRoads)
$6.95 |
Enrico Nardi a Fast Life 198 pages by Curami & Brunori in ITALIAN Language (60_39297_ITALIA)
$129.95 |
Merchants of Speed - The Men who Build Americas Performance Industry by P Smith in 240 hardcover pages with over 250 photos (80_145858)
$39.95 |
Automotive Shop Service Repair Manual for all Pass. Cars & Trucks by Ray F. Kuns Vol.1 copyright 1938-41 (30_AutomotiSvc1)
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Automotive Shop Service Repair Manual for all Pass. Cars & Trucks by Ray F. Kuns Vol.2 copyright 1938-41 (30_AutomotiSvc2)
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Automatic Transmissions Simplified by Jud Purvis 272 hardbound pages (30_AutoTransSim)
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How to Repair Small Gasoline Engines Manual by P. Dempsey 287 hardbound pages (30_SmallEngine)
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The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry by Brock Yates 1984 edition (60_zDeclnFallAm)
$19.95 |
American Automobile Trademarks; 1900-1960; history of automotive logos and insignias; 160 pages by C.H. Wendel (30_121477AP)
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Great Cars of the Golden Age History Book by Kevin Brazendale 190 Hardbound pages (30_GReatCArsGol)
$16.95 |
A History book about Hood Ornaments by Rob L. Wagner (30_HoodOrnament)
$79.95 |
59-60 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #4 containing Sept 59 through Aug 760 (595_Vet_Vint_4)
$29.95 |
The Motoring Montagus - The Story of the Montagu Motor Museum - by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (59_MotoringMont)
$29.95 |
The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry, by Brock Yates (60_DeclineFall)
$19.95 |
30-90 Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design by Jonathan A. Stein Photos by Michael Furman The evolution of Streamlined Card form the 1930's and on. Large format beautiful full color photos HARDCOVER 192 pages (65_36474)
$74.95 |
Performance Ignition Systems by Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D. E.E. A Complete Electronic ignition guide 176 pages (75_1306)
$195.95 |
60-61 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #18 containing Sept 60 through Aug 61 (605_Vet_Vint_5)
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The Sports Cars, History and Development; by John Stanford 208 pgs illustrated (31_SportsCarSta)
$14.95 |
The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
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61-62 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #6 containing Sept 61 through Aug 62 (615_Vet_Vint_6)
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The Sammy Miller Museum Collection of Road Machines by R Poynting featuring the magnificent road machines from the countrys foremost collection in full color in 228 pages with over 700 color photos (80_RL783)
$46.95 |
62-63 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #7 containing Sept 62 through Aug 63 (625_Vet_Vint_18)
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63-64 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #8 containing Sept 63 through Aug 64 (635_Vet_Vint_8)
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Turbocharging by Mark Warner 192 pages (82_1488)
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The Picture Story of World Sports Cars by Stuart Seager 157 hardbound pages (32_SportCarHist)
$39.95 |
In The Age of Motoring. drawings Pierre Dumont, text Ronald Barker & Douglas B. Tubbs. 1965 (35_InAgeMotorin)
$2.95 |
Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
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64-65 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #9 containing Sept 64 through Aug 65 (645_Vet_Vint_9)
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Automobiles of the Future by I Stambler hard cover history (33_AutoFuture)
$64.95 |